Monday, August 9, 2010

Just Do It

Nike has a saying....."Just Do It."

I can't tell you how many times I have been sitting on the couch knowing I need to exercise but don't feel like it. I'm sure that I'm not alone in this.

So, how do we motivate ourselves to get up off the couch and get moving? I don't know what you do but this is what I've learned to do. I start talking to myself. I start saying, "Just 15 minutes. Just give it 15 minutes and that is better than nothing. You know you'll feel better. Come on, just do it." So, I get up and tell myself that I'm just gonna go for a 15 minute slow paced walk, because that's better than nothing, right?

What happens next is next to a miracle. I get dressed in my workout clothes and head outside. My 15 minute slow paced walk turns into a fast paced walk and almost run for an hour because my ipod has these really cool songs on it and I just get in the mood! I always do an hour? No, 15 minutes is all I can do some days and when I'm done I'm "Feeling Fit and Loving It."

Now, I know some of you have small children and you are not at your leisure to just go outside and take a walk. So, here is what I suggest. Walk at Home is a DVD series that you can purchase at Wal-Mart for $10.00. The instructor does 12 minute miles. You can do 1 mile, 2 miles...all the way up to 5 miles. And you only need a small amount of space to do it. Here is the website if you want to check it out.

I love the Walk at Home series because you can just do 1 mile which is 12 minutes and I don't know anyone who doesn't have 12 minutes to spare. Plus, if it is raining or, like I said, you can't go outside, this is done in front of the t.v.

No more excuses.....So, Just Do It!

I'd love to know how you motivate yourself to exercise, please comment!

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