For many years now I've struggled with my weight. I've always either been on a diet or off one. There was never a time when I was just "feeling fit and loving it." I didn't know how to be okay with myself when I ate too much for dinner or had a little too much cake (3 times in one day)!
What Weight Watchers did for me was it taught me to be "okay" with myself when I had too many sweets. For those of you who haven't tried Weight Watchers I suggest you give it a try. They have a program that teaches you to still enjoy your sweets and not feel guilty about it. Before I tried Weight Watchers if I was really bad on a Saturday then the diet was off until the guilt crept in again or the scale started going up.
So, if your like I used to be and your either on or off a diet, then give it a try and tell me how it goes! I lost a whopping 65 lbs when I was on it and it taught me small steps that I continue to use to keep it off!